Christ Episcopal Church welcomes you, no matter where you are on your journey.
Christ Episcopal Church is an affirming and inclusive Christian community. Our members and leaders strive through love, worship and service to welcome all people just as God created them. No matter where you are on your journey of faith, our welcome knows no boundaries of age, race, ethnicity, culture, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, or economic condition. We believe that God delights in the diversity of creation and so do we.
10 AM Sunday - Sunday Holy Eucharist
also on Facebook Live*
*NOTE: You do not have to be signed up for Facebook to watch the live broadcast AND You can also watch it at any time after it has aired.
Join us for coffee, tea and goodies after church in the Fellowship Hall!
As we prepare to return to gathering for Coffee Hour, we will need people to help plan and administer our fellowship gatherings. If you would like to serve on the Hospitality Committee, please contact Billie
at your earliest convenience.
A special thank you to Rev. Terry Kyllo, Executive Director of Paths of Understanding, for being our guest Presider and Preacher, last Sunday, May 22. It was good for you to be with us again. Also, a special thank you for leading the Forum on healing divisions among the members of the Abrahamic faiths during our coffee hour. Here is the link to the Paths of Understanding website (click >>> Paths of Understanding <<<
Stay tuned for new dates- Episcopal 101 Here's your opportunity to ask any question you've been pondering for a while, or any question that may arise out of the blue. Episcopal 101 is a course for long-time members, inquirers, folks who are thinking about Baptism, Confirmation, or Reception into the Episcopal Church. It's an opportunity for all of us to get to know our faith and our denomination better, and to discover what Christianity and the Episcopal Church mean to you. Episcopal 101 is a six-week course that will begin on February 27th and conclude on April 3rd. It will be a preparation for those who would like to be Baptized, Confirmed, Received, or Reaffirmed in the Faith, when Bishop Rickel visits us on the Day of Pentecost, June 5th. We ask that you commit to all six sessions. The choice of whether you will be baptized, confirmed, received, or reaffirmed is yours and God's. The first session will be on a Sunday evening at 5.00 p.m. We may change the day the class meets, depending on the needs of the participants. But the first class will be on a Sunday. Depending upon the Covid infection numbers, it will be either in-person or through Zoom. You will need your own copy of The Book of Common Prayer. You may need to take notes, and there may be handouts or links to more information that will be sent to you. Episcopal 101 will be, we hope, informative, enjoyable, an opportunity to strengthen your faith. Please contact the Vicar if you'd like to learn more about Episcopal 101. You can email Vicar Susan at: or call her at 360-603-2107.
The United Thank Offering (UTO) was founded in the early 1900s to support innovative mission and ministry through The Episcopal Church. Another goal was to deepen spiritual disciplines of gratitude among those who participate.
When we experience a moment of thankfulness, we can place a coin in a Blue Box. A birthday, an anniversary, the return to health, a new opportunity, a sudden insight, the birth of a child -- these are all occasions to give thanks. And seeing our Blue Box on the table where we eat is a reminder to offer a coin on each occasion of thanksgiving.
Funds from the Blue Boxes are received, counted, blessed, and sent to the diocesan UTO director, who, in turn, sends them to the national UTO office for distribution through grants.
When we offer the coin as a sign of thanks, we can say the following prayer:
Gracious God, source of all creation, all love, all true joy: accept, we pray, these outward signs of our profound and continuing thankfulness for all of life. Keep each of us ever thankful for all the blessings of joy and challenge that come our way. Bless those who will benefit from these gifts through the outreach of the United Thank Offering. This we ask through the One who is the greatest gift and blessing of all: Jesus Christ. Amen.
We are dedicated to improving the lives of those in our community. Your contribution today helps us make a difference.
Use the drop down menu on the PayPal site to direct your donation to a particular program:
- Loads of Love
- Blaine Food Bank
- Back-to-School Supplies
- The Children's Giving Garden
- Christmas Giving
- Fourth of July Open House
- Coat Drive
- Thanksgiving Baskets - Through the Community Assistance Program
- Christmas Dinner Baskets - Through the MHW Outreach Committee of CEC
- Easter Dinner Baskets - Through the MHW Outreach Committee of CEC
Bishop Rickel Blessing the Coats for the Interfaith Coalition Coat Drive
You can find information about our faith tradition on the Episcopal Church website online at the